Foreskin Issues and circumcision
Your trusted resource for foreskin health and circumcision advice.
WARNING - Graphic Images of male genitalia.
Your trusted resource for foreskin health and circumcision advice.
WARNING - Graphic Images of male genitalia.
We understand your need to connect with us. Having a very personal problem, can sometimes be very difficult to deal with, regardless of your age and ability to cope. We have listed relevant details regarding foreskin problems which we hope are useful to you.
This is a picture of a normal adult penis with an intact (un-cut) foreskin. Apart from exceptional cases, all male are born with a natural foreskin. The foreskin is designed to protect the glans by keeping it covered and moist to preserve sensitivity, The foreskin above has approximately 20,000 plus, nerve ending more than a circumcised penis.
This is a picture of a circumcised (cut) penis. Apart from exceptional and very rare cases all males are not born like this. The penis has been surgically modified to expose the glans permanently. The vast majority of the circumcision modification are carried out shortly after birth. About 50 -60 percent of the penile skin structure has been removed.
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Viafin- Atlas Ltd. (2004)
Discover getting your sensitivity back easily and naturally
The SenSlip artificial foreskin can help with lack of penis sensitivity.
Are you circumcised and lacking sensitivity ? Get your glans sensitivity back. At Viafin-Atlas Ltd. we have been manufacturing the SenSlip * 'Artificial Foreskin' or 'Prosthetic Foreskin' for circumcised men who suffer from a lack of penis sensitivity due to the amputation of their natural protective foreskin. We have been producing this solution for the last 21 years.
Many circumcised men experience a lack of penis sensitivity due to the keratinised and dried up skin of the glans (head of the penis). This can be easily resolved without going through the hassle and trouble of restoring the foreskin by the use of a foreskin stretching device.
The 'artificial foreskin' is available in ten different sizes and four colour variations and when worn on a daily basis, results can be seen and increased sensitivity experienced within days.
Please click the banner below for more detailed information.
The foreskin is a thin layer of tissue that covers the head of the penis like a hood. The foreskin has approximately 20,000 sexually sensitive nerves and one of its functions is to keep the glans ((head of the penis) moist, smooth and sensitive when required. The removal of the foreskin degrades the sensitivity of the glans by up to 75%. Not everyone with a penis has a foreskin. If you’re circumcised, your foreskin has been removed from its base near the middle of the penis shaft, typically at birth. You may even be able to see a band of ridged scar tissue around this area where the foreskin was removed. Viafin-Atlas Ltd. (UK) carried out a survey over three years and the results proved that 76% of circumcised men were unhappy with their neo-natal circumcision which was carried out without their consent.
If you’re intact (uncircumcised), there are some health issues you can run into if you don’t take proper care of your foreskin. Some of these issues can be uncomfortable, and others require emergency medical attention to prevent long-term complications.
Keep in mind that you can still run into some of these issues if you don’t have a foreskin, but you’re at a much lower risk.
Let’s dive into what the most common foreskin problems are, how each one is treated, and how you can prevent future issues.
When your foreskin is tight, it can be hard to move it without any pain or sensations of pressure. It’s usually a sign of phimosis In this condition, your foreskin can’t be pulled back, or retracted, from the head of your penis (glans penis).
An unretractable foreskin is common in young, uncircumcised boys. It’s not a cause for concern in those cases. But your foreskin typically becomes retractable after the age of three. It should be fully retractable by the time you reach 17.
Phimosis can be caused by:
Here are some common treatments for tightness caused by phimosis:
Swelling of the foreskin tissue or of the penis glans can cause paraphimosis. When you have this condition, you can’t pull your foreskin back over the head of your penis after it has been retracted. It often leads to swelling of the head. It can also cut off the circulation. This is painful and a medical emergency.
Most often, paraphimosis happens when your doctor or other healthcare professional doesn’t move your foreskin back after retracting it for an exam. It’s also caused by an infection, trauma, a tight foreskin. forcefully retracting the foreskin, or leaving the foreskin retracted for too long.
Penis or foreskin swelling resulting from paraphimosis requires emergency treatment. It’s very important that you seek medical attention if this occurs. The foreskin can cut off blood flow to the end of your penis if it’s not moved back over the glans penis. This can result in complications like tissue death and, in rare cases, needing to remove part or all of your penis.
Seek emergency medical help if you notice any of the following:
If you can’t move your foreskin back over the head of your penis but don’t have these symptoms, it’s important that you see your doctor soon before they develop.
There are over-the-counter (OTC) lubricants that can help. However, if you can’t move your foreskin, always see your doctor instead of trying to force it back to prevent any possible complications that can lead to changes in your penis function.
Your doctor will reduce the swelling first and then move your foreskin back. This can be very painful, and your doctor may numb the area with local anesthetic before trying to move your foreskin.
In rare cases, such as when there is a recurrent problem, circumcision could perhaps be the best treatment.
Several infectious agents can affect your penis and foreskin. Balantitis refers to inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis.
You might also notice:
Postihiitis refers to inflammation of the foreskin alone. Balanitis usually leads to this if you’re uncircumcised. When both the glans and foreskin are inflamed, it’s called balanoposthitis.
These conditions can be due to infection or other things that cause irritation.
Some common symptoms of posthitis that affect the foreskin include:
The most common infections that can lead to either balanitis or prosthetist include:
The organism causing the infection has to be identified for successful treatment. Common treatments for balanitis and posthitis include:
Balanitis, posthitis, and balanoposthitis can also be caused by injury or irritation from a variety of things.
Ever caught your penis glans or foreskin in a zipper when you’ve pulled it up too quickly? It can hurt like crazy. The resulting injury can cause swelling or colour changes from inflammation as the tissue begins to repair itself. It can make wearing underwear or pants uncomfortable and sometimes unbearable.
This kind of injury can also happen if your penis rubs against a rough underwear or clothing material for too long, resulting in irritation. Any injury or trauma to the penis can lead to these conditions.
Using irritating products in the bath or shower can also inflame your foreskin. Some chemicals can cause allergic reactions that lead to inflammation. This is known as contact dermatitis, a type of ecxema. The pain and discomfort can feel very sharp and intense, especially if it’s near the tip of your penis. Common irritants are chlorine in a swimming pool and latex condoms.
Other causes include:
Common symptoms of foreskin inflammation include:
If you know what’s causing the irritation, it’s easier to treat. Very mild symptoms, such as mild discomfort, can often be treated at home. However, if you don’t remove the irritant, your symptoms won’t go away.
Try the following:
Good hygiene is important to stop or prevent this condition no matter what the cause.
Get in to see a doctor if you notice:
Dryness around or under your foreskin is often caused by a yeast infections also called thrush.
Foreskin yeast infections are a result of overgrowth of a fungus known as Candida albicans. You can get it from having unprotected sex with someone who already has an infection. But it can also result from not cleaning your penis and foreskin regularly and thoroughly.
Besides dryness, you may also experience:
Antifungal creams, lotions, and ointments like clotrimazole (Canesten) and miconazole (Desenex) are the best treatment for penile yeast infections. These can also be taken as an oral medication prescribed by your doctor
Here are a few tips to help you avoid painful or uncomfortable foreskin symptoms in the future:
Complications, methods of circumcision and their management will be reviewed here. Circumcision technique and its risks are discussed.
The rate of procedure-related complications during and after circumcision in the neonate is approximately 2 to 6 per 1000 . This rate increases 20-fold for those who are circumcised between one and nine years of age and 10-fold for those circumcised after 10 years of age [3]. Inadequate training of clinicians contributes to complications as practitioners without formal training may not recognize congenital malformations (eg, congenital buried penis and penoscrotal webbing that are more likely to result in poor results when using routine conventional methods)
Patients with these abnormalities should be referred to a pediatric urologist.
The most common complications of male circumcision are bleeding and local infection, followed by unsatisfactory cosmetic results (too little or too much skin removed) and surgical trauma or injury. Rare but significant complications include life-threatening sepsis and meningitis, buried penis due to cicatrix formation, amputation of the glans, and necrotizing fasciitis. (Gangrene) .
Circumcision is a commonly performed procedure performed on neo-natal and infant boys for absolutely no medical or logical reason and without the consent of the person involved. It is a multi million dollar industry. Circumcision causes harm every time. An estimated 200 baby boys worldwide die every year due to circumcision.
Though uncommon, complications of circumcision do represent a significant percentage of cases seen by pediatric urologists. Often they require surgical correction that results in a significant cost to the health care system. and lifetime problems to the un-consenting victim who are often babies or infants.. Severe complications are quite rare, but death has been reported as a result in some cases. A thorough and complete preoperative evaluation, focusing on bleeding history and birth history, is imperative. Proper selection of patients based on age and anatomic considerations as well as proper sterile surgical technique are critical to prevent future circumcision-related adverse events.
Many of these standards do not prevail in the civilised Western world.
Circumcision and male genital mutilation is one of the oldest procedures and one of the most commonly performed barbaric surgical procedures in practice today. Descriptions of ritual circumcision span across cultures, and have been described in ancient Egyptian texts as well as the Old Testament. This represents an increase of botched circumcisions of approximately 6.8% per year. This may be due in part to the American Association of Pediatrics modification of its stance in 1989 to neither recommend nor condemn routine neonatal circumcision.
However, circumcision, like any surgical procedure, does carry the risk of complications. Complication rates depend on multiple factors, including anatomic abnormalities, medical comorbidities, surgical technique, and patient age and non qualified medical staff. In the United Kingdom any non-medical member of the public over the age of 18 years, can carry out a circumcision on a newborn baby boy, provided the parents have consented.
Circumcision or MGM is the only amputation that anyone can carry out.
Various methods of circumcision are commonly used in the United States and throughout the world today.
The choice of circumcision method depends on the circumcisers level of comfort and training. The most commonly utilized techniques used in the newborn nursery setting, are the Gomco clamp, the Mogen clamp, and the Plastibell. While all of these can be used in the operating room, the “free-hand circumcision” using either the sleeve technique or the dorsal-ventral slit technique is most commonly used. There is no set level of the skin amputated but in most circumcisions between 20 and 80 percent of the entire penile skin structure can be amputated.
Each instrument and technique carries its own benefits and complication risks.
The Gomco clamp is a suture-less technique that utilizes a 4-piece device that protects the glans, provides hemostasis and a platform for resecting the foreskin.
The circumcision starts by retracting the foreskin to free the adhesions and allow exposure and inspection of the glans for any abnormalities. The metal bell is placed completely over glans shielding it from damage, followed by placement of the platform over the bell and prepuce caring not to draw the skin up too much (the goal is to maintain the penoscrotal junction), placement of the crimping part which will provide hemostatic compression of the skin after tightening down the screw, excision of the prepuce, disassembly of the apparatus without unsealing the skin edges, and, finally, dressing the wound. Complications from a Gomco circumcision are mainly related to technical factors.
It is important to assure that the metal bell completely covers the glans, otherwise insufficient skin will be removed and accidental incision into the glans is possible.
A bell which is too large will result in removal of too much skin. Aggressive retraction of the skin through the platform can lead to excessive skin removal and subsequent corrective surgery; conversely, insufficient drawing up of the skin will lead to an incomplete circumcision.
Insufficient tightening of the screw results in inadequate compression of the skin and subsequent bleeding. One may consider keeping the screw tightened for several minutes of hemostatic compression before excising the foreskin.
The Mogen clamp is a device used for Jewish ritual circumcisions and commonly used by obstetricians, that also serves to provide hemostasis and a platform for adequate skin removal. After lysis of adhesions and inspection of the glans, the edges of the prepuce are elevated and the V-shaped clamp is placed across the prepuce at the desired location assuring that the glans is positioned below the clamp. The clamp is then tightened to provide hem. The possible complications include insufficient or excessive skin removal or asymmetric redundancy and glans amputation all due to improper clamp placement.
The Plastibell technique was developed in the 1950s and is a variation of the Gomco clamp. After lysis of penile adhesions, the plastic bell, similar in appearance to the metal Gomco bell, is placed completely over the glans. Hemostasis is then insured by placing a strangulating suture at the level of the corona and this is all left in place. The skin will slough after a few days and the Plastibell falls off. The associated complications include incomplete circumcision due to inadequate bell placement or slippage of the Plastibell while tying the hemostatic suture, and glans injury or bleeding due to inadequate hemostatic suture placement. psychological problems in later life and several reported instances of suicide.
The “free-hand circumcision” is accomplished in the operating room and involves excising the skin as marked, hemostasis using electrocautery of the skin edges using absorbable sutures, the lines of incision for the “sleeve technique” are circumferential at the same distance from the corona on the inner and outer preputial surfaces. The sleeve of skin is removed and the procedure completed. For the dorsal-ventral slit technique these incisions are made as their names infer down to the predetermined distance from the coronal edge, and then the incisions are connected leaving the two circumferential free-edges which are then closed after achieving hemostasis. There are reported deaths every year on this procedure.
Complications of circumcision are reasonably well documented. The vast majority of circumcisions are performed on baby boys and infants without their consent and are performed for no valid medical reason. The foreskin is a body part that males are born with, along with primates and animals. In the USA alone, only about 130 deaths occur each year due to infant botched circumcisions.
The complications include:
Removal of too much skin
Glans amputation
Penis amputation
Severe psychological issues
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Viafin - Atlas Ltd. (2004)
Discover getting your penis sensitivity back. easily and naturally.
Are you circumcised and lacking sensitivity ? Get your glans sensitivity back. At Viafin-Atlas Ltd. we have been manufacturing the SenSlip 'Artificial Foreskin' or 'Prosthetic Foreskin' for circumcised men who suffer from a lack of penis sensitivity due to the amputation of their natural protective foreskin. We have been producing this solution for the last 21 years.
Many circumcised men experience a lack of penis sensitivity due to the keratinised and dried up skin of the glans (head of the penis). This can be easily resolved without going through the hassle and trouble of restoring the foreskin by the use of a foreskin stretching device.
The 'artificial foreskin' is available in ten different sizes and four colour variations and when worn on a daily basis, results can be seen and increased sensitivity experienced within days.
Please click the banner below for more detailed information.